We the Sisters of Helpers of Jesus have a motto to care for the Least, the Last and the Lost. As part of our activities, we run an area, where people are poor and they live in temporary small houses with no proper amenities. The surrounding hygiene is lawful, lacking the basic necessities.
The functioning of the orphanage is from a place which is on rent and had to be renewed as every 11 months which may be renewable; otherwise the hunt is on for a new place. The Children as inmates suffer these conditions and hence the Orphanage is far from an ideal setting. We are able to get it established with your generosity, then we will be able to have the right ambience for our children to play, study and carry out their activities. We too then will be able to accommodate many more children who are deserving cases.

Head Office at Malwani
“What so ever you do, to the least of my brothers and sisters, that do unto me.”
Sr Martha born to live for the poor the needy the unloved and the marginalised. A daring personality to dream big for the poor. Visionary in her approach towards humanity.
Sr. Martha Mondal Founder president of Helper of Jesus Congregation from head office we have various types of outreach programmes. Sr. Martha dared to make the difference in the lives of the of poor. On every Saturday we cook food in the convent with the help of some volunteers and we sisters feel blessed to be feed the poor. We pack the food and go to the street in reaching out to the poor brothers and sisters. We give ration out to the poor from Malwani, Madh Island, Kharodi and Rathodi. They come to our convent on the third week of the month. Every individual sick, poor and the abandoned are taken care. Every month on the third week many poor flock to Sr. Martha for their daily, weekly and monthly requirement. We have also adopted some families basically from rural areas, specially from Dudhani and Songaon. Once in a month we go and deliver all the food grains and as per their requirement our God is good.We never fear to face our unknown challenges when we have a known God.who cares for its people. Millions of thanks to God Almighty for the numerous blessings.