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For BAPTISM the catechesis is conducted in four sessions.
First time parents are requested to register your names in the Parish office during office hours, along with the copy of your church marriage certificate. Those parents who had registered before the lockdown and not completed the course are also requested to give their names for the session.
For further information please contact the parish office.
(For other details refer to Baptism page)

Click here to download Pre-Baptismal Form


To be eligible for FIRST HOLY COMMUNION, Children who are in the fourth standard or equivalent class have to enroll for a one-year preparation course. Candidates have to submit their baptism certificate along with a passport size photograph for registration. For further information, please contact the parish office during working hours. 


THE CONFIRMATION PROGRAMME for catholic students for standard eleventh or equivalent class. Candidates have to submit their baptism certificate along with a passport size photograph for registration. For further information, please contact the parish office during working hours. 


Please take prior appointment with the priest of your choice. Priest details are mentioned in the Clergy team column.  



Baptism Certificate dated within six months of your proposed marriage date and a certificate of the Marriage Preparation Course
Postal address of both the parties
1 passport size photo of both the parties
(For further details kindly contact the Church office and the Priest in-charge)



Funerals are held in our parish at the following timings:
Weekdays - Morning 10 a.m. & Evening – 4 p.m.
Sunday - 11.00 a.m. (except second Sunday) & Evening 4 p.m.
For more details refer to the Anointing of the Sick page.
Click here to download Funeral Announcement sample



Produce a Death Certificate from a Medical Practitioner. Produce a burial permission from Bombay Municipal Corporation (B.M.C) and hand it over to the parish office before the burial. The family should ensure that the undertaker or any other person has done this. The family members should ensure that the death certificate has A. the accurate spelling of the name of the deceased B. the correct age, the right relationship (e.g. wife of __husband of _____)


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